
Best Touch Screen Monitors

1. Perform a huge app demo Touch screen kiosks provide a perfect opportunity for event creators to showcase their apps, websites, and branded content on a large scale. With a large touchscreen, you can perform a group demo on a mobile device, unlike single-user practice. The giant iTab is a touchscreen kiosk that looks and acts like a giant smartphone. The iOS and Android apps can be loaded so users can interact with all their favorite apps (and event apps) on their huge phone. 2. Promote fun learning with fame. One of the most interesting applications for touch technology is gamification. Games are always a great way to attract people to your booth and you can start with your own custom software solutions. Regardless of the game or app you select, Goal is to seamlessly integrate your company branding to facilitate unique branding. Our favorite game technology is iPad Jeopardy Wall. Jeopardy Wall is an interactive display made up of dozens of iPads that work like jeopardy ga...